Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day w/ Family :)

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hanging out with some of Brian's family! His sister Lisa and her family came to stay with us this week, and Grandma Lilla also came over for the day. We had a great time with everyone! PS- Happy 14th birthday Mackenzie!

My fam with Grandma Lilla

Mackenzie opening presents

Mackenzie and Lisa

Tyler and Brady playing

Enjoying everyone's company :)

The whole gang

Lisa, Brian and their Mommy

How Cute is My Family? :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone! It always feels like it goes by way too fast! It was wonderful having everyone in the same place for once. My parents, my sister, my Aunt Donna, my Aunt Pam and Uncle Del, cousin Trisha and her husband Brett all came to visit. Brian's sister and her family are also in town for a few days. It was a lot of fun, and I finally remembered to take a bunch of pictures! I hope everyone else had a wonderful day!

Me, Brady and Emi

Me and my boys

Nana and Papaw cooking

Hanging out before eating

Brian and I

My cousin Trisha & I

My wonderful Mommy & I

Me and my little man

Jolee and Aunt Pam

Aunt Donna and I

Brady waking up from his nap

Nana and Brady

Emily, Nana, Papaw, me and Brady

Papaw and Jolee

Brady and I

Nana and Jolee saying good-bye

Brian and Brett

Uncle Del, Aunt Pam and I

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New plane

Well, Brian was finally able to go pick up the plane today with its' new paint job...the only yucky part is that he's now stuck in Mena, Arkansas. He had some issues with the plane when he was getting ready to leave. He's going to try to fix the problem in the morning and get back to us as soon as he can.

This is what the plane used to look like

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fun with Chocolate

Brady was eating some chocolate pudding last night with Jolee, and he ended up with a mustache :) He looks like all he needs is a sombrero! LOL

BTW...A boy gave Jolee a necklace at school today... :) Brian's going to have a talk with him...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Veteran's Day Parade

Here are some pictures from the Veteran's Day Parade last week. Jolee got to ride in it with her Girl Scout troop, so that was a lot of fun! Brian did a fly-over as the parade was starting, and people really liked it. Brady and I got to stand with Jolee's grade. It was super cute seeing her waving to her friends as she went by. She's taking a wonderful interest in what's going on with the war right now. Her Uncle Chris is serving in Iraq, and a couple of her friends' dad's are also over there right now. She really enjoyed participating in that this year.

My good friend Erin and I (she was Jolee's 1st grade teacher)

Regina and I (She's Jolee's friend Maddie's mom)

Jolee's troop going by

Brady watching his sis go by

Brady and I

Jolee's troop going to line up in the parade

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pretty Bird :)

Here's some recent pictures of our Aerostar getting all purdied up down in Mena, Arkansas. We're planning on it getting back home in the next week, and then there's alot work to do on the interior. The windows look weird in the pictures below, but that is because they taped the windows up during painting. When it's all said and done, it's going to look really slick!

Our New Cessna 150

Here's our new addition to our fleet :)
She's just a little one, but we are going to be able to just do some goofing off in it. Brian's had a couple of these in the past, so he's very familiar with them. We're also hoping to "teach" me to fly in it. (Only if we can be child-free for any length of time!)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Many Faces of Brady

Halloween Night

I hope everyone had as fun a Halloween as we did! Unfortunately, Brian had a migrane and ended up sleeping through it all. Bummer. He's feeling better now though. Sooooo, me and the kiddos started out over at Loren & Barbara's house to go through the haunted maze. While we were there, Haley said she had never been trick-or-treating before! Well, I couldn't allow another year to go by where she didn't get to! So, Haley tagged along with us over to hang out with Kaity's family, and Erin and her family. The kids all got to trick-or-treat together, and I got some much needed adult conversation! LOL
When we dropped Haley back off, I got to see my girlie Lorenda! Loves her :)
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! :)

Jolee, Haley and Kaity

The girls showing off what they got

Kevin, Erin, me, Nicole and Rusty

Nicole and I

The two Dorothy's and our Cowardly Lion

My cute kiddos

How cute is Shelby's costume!?!?

Shelby trying to figure Brady out

Lorenda and I

Lora, Lorenda, me, Jolee and Haley