Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fresh Beat Band Concert!

This weekend we finally got to go to Kansas City to see Brady's first concert!!!! If any of you have preschool aged kids, you may have heard of the Fresh Beat Band. They have a show on Nickelodeon, and it's very popular in our house! Their songs are actually very catchy, and we love to sing them together in the car. I got these tickets several months ago and I think Brady thought it was never going to get here. But, it did! And here's just a couple pictures that I was able to get on my phone!

Waving boodbye to the band!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that was a lot of fun for everyone! Reaching way back in my memories, there was a touring group called "Up With People" and they made a stop in West Plains, probably in the late 60s. Mom & Dad got tickets for us and we all piled into the station wagon and went to the show together. It was quite an event, and I remember being impressed by it all. Brady will remember this for the rest of his life. Cool.
