Okay. So I had probably the crappiest day in a VERY long time today. The kind where nothing goes the way it is supposed to, followed by some bodily harm in the evening. For starters, Brady is having a horrible reaction to the pollen in the air, therefore, we got NO sleep last night. After downing a dozen cups of coffee (which did no good by the way), Brady decided to break my cell phone into two pieces. Nothing that's fixable either.
As the day went on things kept going wrong. Brady stuck his hand in his poopy pants, left a gallon of milk in the car (and we really needed it!), then he only slept for 20 minutes.
When Jolee got out of tumbling class, we got outside and played and had some nice drama-free fun (at least for a bit):

Abbie and Bailey giving Copper the once over

Brady and Bailey

Brady has no fear of things that can hurt him

Just moments before the incindent
Right as it was time to go inside, Jolee stepped behind Brady's swing and got herself a bloody lip. She was pretty upset about it, but she sucked it up and got over it. However, just as she was going into her room to change the channel on her tv, I suddenly heard a loud noise. I run into her room, where she's crying, and this is what I see:

Apparently her dresser decided it was ready to give out. Fortunatly for her, she had a drawing easel in front of it that kept it from falling completely on her. She used her arm to cover her face, so it could've been alot worse. She seems to only have a good size bruise on her shoulder. Needless to say, she's not sleeping in her room for a few days! Of course, Brian is in Florida for the rest of the week, and I'm not about to try to pick all that up by myself. I'm so happy Brady or Copper werent right there! I always say that her room is a disaster zone, but now it officially is! LOL