Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Chaise!

This weekend, we took a very quick trip up to KC for our nephew Chaise's birthday. He and Brady are not very far apart in age, and they're really starting to enjoy playing with each other. The kids all played so hard yesterday, they were just so worn out when bedtime rolled around. Chaise got some really cool stuff that we broke out later on last night. Chaise's Dad Chris (Brian's brother) is over in Iraq, but it was so neat, he got to be on webcam during the party and then later on at night. Brian really enjoyed getting to see him. I just love getting to see Crystal and the kids (Madison and Chaise), even though it doesn't seem to happen very often. Brian's sister Lisa was also there with her kiddos too.
Happy Birthday Chaise!!!! `

My FAVORITE! Chaise and Brady kissing bye-bye :)

Brady and Chaise playing in his room

All of the cousins (minus Alyssa, Ava, and Alexis). Madison and Jolee are down in front, Chaise is being held by MacKenzie, Whitney is holding Brady, and Tyler is in the middle.

The boys playing ball

Brady loved playing in the house (Guess that means I should dig ours out of the basement).

Madison giving Brady kisses

Madison, me and Brady

Chaise opening up his presents with his Daddy on the webcam in the background

Crystal and I with our adorable boys

Brady and Chaise hugging

KC Zoo

During our very quick trip to KC this weekend, Brian had the idea of going to the KC Zoo. I hadn't been there in years, and they've made some great changes. Brady was able to really see all the animals, and kept calling most of them dogs. We had a blast hanging out with Nana and Papaw!

Nana, Papaw and Brady

I wish we had turtles like this in our pond :)

Brady loved the meerkats

My little family

Jolee and Brady on the elephant

Friday, September 25, 2009

First Storytime!

Yesterday was such a fun day for Brady and I. My friend Nicole invited Brady and I to start going to the library on Thursday mornings for storytime. Brady didn't do so great when he needed to sit still and listen, but he did great when it was activity time. Nicole's son Blake played great with Brady and really showed him the ropes. After that, the four of us went to lunch together. Then it was time to get Jolee from school, and then we went back to the library with Nicole and her other kids (her daughter Kaity is going with us to Hannah Montana). Jolee had Kaity over for dinner then. Needless to say, I was VERY tired last night!

Brady and Blake had a great time playing with the train set

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fred Bird

Yesterday, Brady and I went to Jolee's school to see a cool assembly. Fred Bird (the St. Louis Cardinals mascot) and a former player (Joe Cunningham), came to talk about the importance of staying in school. It was really neat and the kids had a blast. But I think Jolee figured out that there's actually a person in the bird suit. LOL

Isn't she sooooooo pretty?

"Smokey" Joe Cunnigham and Fred Bird

Jolee was paying VERY close attention

Friday, September 18, 2009

Brian And His Mini-Me

Yesterday, Brian went up and practiced for a fly-over he's got tonight, and we went up to watch him. Afterwards, Brady just HAD to get up in the cockpit with Daddy and check it all out. I felt like I was getting a glimpse into the future...I don't know what I'm going to do with both of those boys! I love both of my Mavericks! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Accidental Pumpkins

So, I was going to get some pumpkins going this summer, but I never got around to it. Luckily, I didn't have to! Last year, Brian threw a couple of old pumpkins out past the track. Apparently it doesn't take much to grow them, because he noticed that we now have 3 or 4 big ones right where he threw them out! So far, we've had corn and pumpkins grow without doing anything! Now it's time to carved some jack-o-lanterns :)

Papaw & Brady

Brady has become quite a Papaw's boy :) The like to sit and eat grapes together. Two of my three favorite boys! (The no-mustache look is growing on me)...

BMX Brady

While we were at the shop today, Brady found a bike that's a bit closer to his size! He got on and grabbed the handlebars like he was a is in his genes after all! LOL

Daddy's helping Brady do the "Superman"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tumbling JoGi!

Jolee is getting sooooooooooo good at tumbling! She just got a trophy today for being able to do 3 sets of complete splits! A big honor for sure. She really enjoys it all, but she also knows that she needs to practice to get the videos show. Loves her!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

All Done!

Brady's favorite new thing to say is "all done!" It's so stinkin' cute, we ask him to say it all the time. He'll say he's all done eating, and then keep eating for 10 minutes! LOL

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Brady's Pushing A Baby

Brady took a liking to Jolee's baby cute!
Nana & Papaw-
Jolee has something to tell you!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nite on the Boat

Last night we went down to the boat to meet up with Brian's Aunt and Uncle and their two daughters. We had such a good time! We grilled out for dinner and hung out last night, and then Brian and Uncle Jimmy got out really early to do some fishing. They didn't have any luck, but they had fun trying! Before we left this afternoon the girls got to fish off of the dock, and Jolee caught 2!!!!

Grace, Jolee, Brady and Sadie

Aunt Donna and Bradster

Uncle Jim, Aunt Donna, Brady and Brian

Uncle Jim taught Brady how to eat a popsicle :)

Brian and all the kids

Brian and I where we got married on the boat last summer

Grace, Sadie and Jolee being silly

Brady wants to go tubing

Her face says it all! LOL

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Big Tub Time

Brady had such a good time in the big bath tub last nite! I've been nervous about putting him in it since it's so big, but it actually made it easier! Then he used a big boy tooth brush for the first time.